Among the car parts that play an important role are the pollen filter or cabin filter. It is thanks to the latter that we can breathe clean air in a vehicle. It filters and purifies the air in the passenger compartment. It retains all polluting substances and allergens that may disturb the occupants of the car. To ensure that it continues to do its job properly, it should be replaced regularly. Here are three things to know about this equipment:

The different categories of cabin filters

All allergens and most particles such as dust, gases and germs are filtered through the pollen or cabin filter. It therefore guarantees an excellent air quality in the interior of the car. There are several types of cabin filters, namely: - Simple cabin filters: they help filter pollen - Polyphenol cabin filters: their role is to prevent all allergens from reaching the occupants of the cabin. - Activated carbon cabin filters: they are both effective in combating unpleasant odours and pollution.

The reason why you must change your cabin filter

As its name suggests, the pollen filter works by retaining all particles. After a while, it gets clogged up and if it is not changed, it can no longer fulfil its role. It may even partially prevent outside air from entering the car. This can be a source of problems when you want to get rid of bad odours, defog the windshield or heat the passenger compartment. A fully saturated pollen filter or cabin filter can damage the engine of a ventilation system.

The right time to change pollen filters

When a pollen filter is dirty, it must be changed. But how do we know that? First, note that because of pollution, cars used in the city get dirty faster than others. Then, even if you do not find any particular indication on your maintenance logbook, be aware that every 15,000 km or every year, you must replace your filter. But to make it simple, just check its condition to see if it needs to be changed or not. If your filter is located behind your glove compartment, you must unscrew the latter to access it. Once this step is completed, make a visual comparison of your filter with a new filter. You will therefore proceed to a replacement if necessary.